The Sea, The waves, every fall....

Monday, January 09, 2012 , 0 Comments

An evening at the Shore of the Marina, made me click this photograph and I requested my friend to write a poetry or a song that comes to his mind impromptu, not even a minute he hesitated before reciting these lines... Kudos Manoj!  I am really honored... Thanks a lot!

Here is the poem:

When you feel despair and lonely,
When there is no respite...
When you push on blindly,
Prepping for the next fight...

Go to the seashore,
Look at the waves...
The feel of vastness you can't ignore,
Listen to the stories it says...

The vastness of the sea,
Brings one back to reality...
That, however big you may be,
You are not lonely...

The strength of the tide,
As it cross all barriers...
It pushes everything aside,
Drowning all its failures...

But the most important lesson of all,
Is to be learned when the waves stand tall...
They rise to great heights and fall,
But once again start it all.

Be like the waves there,
They raise tall and fall...
But they once again raise after each fall,
To keep doing it all...

~ Manoj


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google

0 Candles:

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