a dash of heart

One moment thought,
I was safe with you,
the next pushed away...
Why not hold me instead
till the storm passes away?
Why should I be compelled
to stay on the shore?
watch you getting torn back and fro?
Tell me how to ride the storm.
Teach me to brave the winds along...
Can't we stay in the dry dock
enjoy the warmth of the sun and sand?
Oh! why can't you be like me?
life is so simple....
a dash of feeling
a dash of smile
a dash of heart
is what required,
heady cocktail
now ready,
waiting to be served...
10 Candles:
"a dash of feeling
a dash of smile
a dash of heart
is what required,"
So true!!! A soft one from you. Neatly written!!! Keep them coming!!!
life is a heady cocktail...
thats a good take on the whole subject
i love your cocktail... coming up!
thank you Ajey...soft one :)
:) chriz
yes it is.. isn't it? i swear i have never touched one till now...
ellam kelvi gnanam thaan.
shadow :)
let's toast for your 2 blogs, 1135 + 57 posts, 8400 profile views, 154 followers, 23 awards given by fellow bloggers... reasons enough to celebrate :)
heady cocktail to you ;)
heady cocktail..
Life, thoughts, expressions
reactions, relations
- everything a cocktail..
Liked it..
thanks for your read Sudharm :) happy
realy viji...heady cocktail life.. cant expect how it will taste...!!!
Thanks to you, u gave me a new analogy for life,....(cha pondyla irukura enakku cocktail maranthu poche....!!!)
With lot of KICKs,
lots of kicks is what you will get, when you taste this particular cocktail... PONDY yeah :)
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