Good fences make good neighbours???

The lull afore a storm,
numbness in a mourning house.
Mind's crucifixion
People come, people go
life remain
for you to gain...
Do not grumble
Do not mumble
Accept things as they are..
Love the life
and linger up on
no harassment
no duels
just love
to live up on
People come, people go
life remain
for you to gain...
Skip the unwanted fences
"Good fences (never) make good neighbours".
An old one... it can be dated back to almost 18 years...
may be I should rewrite it :)
2 Candles:
This is good the way it is, frankly. I mean, I like the disconnected style, you see.
Decently good!!! 18 year old one!!! Not bad!!! Not bad at all!!! Keep writing!!!
that's what exactly bothered me.. the disconnected style.
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