Twisted Smile

Thursday, July 16, 2009 , 7 Comments

It's archer's fault, the bow is sadly twisted...


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google

7 Candles:

Shadow said...

mmmm, so sad!

Anonymous said...

hmmm...nice quote!!!! a short melancholy strain !!!

Viji said...

thanks shadow, sundar... yeah sad and glad not only rhymes, it always take turns isn't it?

Opaque said...

Sad! Nicely done! Keep writing!!!

Viji said...

:) AJ

Anonymous said...

push her into the water

Viji said...

why why are you so angry with her??? eduku evlo kovam? avanga paatu polambitu pogatum :)

wisdom comes with experience

At one, I learnt crawling was fun. At forty one, I still feel crawling is fun #blamemykneesnotme