A boy, A girl, an engagement

Two of my friends are getting engaged. In India, love is not just between a girl and a boy, it's more. "Boy loves Girl. Girl loves Boy. Girl's family has to love boy. Boy's family has to love girl." - Chetan Bhagat
Now both the families love each other, the engagement is going to happen.
The Girl: I have never met a person like her. Smiles all the time. Yahoo IM has this happy emoticon, it always reminds me of her face, a round face with a wide smile. Nami is that. I always wanted to make friends with her. But, she was way too younger to me and I thought she might not be comfortable to have me as her friend. Things changed, she sought me out and in no time we became good friends.
The Boy: When it comes to Boys or Men, I am pretty comfortable. Ram an adorable guy, Keeps pulling my leg, not a dull moment when he is around. What more? dashing! Guy with a dimple :) Never thought a dimple would look good on a guy until I met him. He is like the square blush smiley in Google talk. Blush as in dimple :)
Ram and Nami: When nami broke the news, I was dumbfounded. We never had a clue, they hid their feelings for each other well. I was shell shocked when nami pinged me in im. I had an under lying doubt, could say a woman's hunch. When I was talking to a mutual friend of ours last week, I was asking him if these guys have something going. Except for that hunch, no concrete evidence.
Nami: I have the habit of asking wierd Qs to my best friends, through SMS. I love to ask questions without any sense, it would start light but gain speed as it progress. My own way of getting to know them better. Half way through, I will give them an option of taking a rain check. 10 Qs at the max. Nami was the target yesterday. I found that she is more matured than me. After 15 yrs of marriage, I would still expect Sure to yield and talk to me after a quarrel, while Nami said she will sought Ram out and not waste much time. But my first question was funniest and like a fool she fell prey for it. Nami: Can I publish what the question is and your answer for it? the one about towel and the deaf servant... hee hee
Ram: Ram wants me to go for their engagement in Kerala. I'd love to be there, but am not sure. Ani, my son wants to go on a vacation during his Christmas Hols. Let's see. Ram looks like an younger version of my brother. Huge eyes, extending beyond the glass frame. Your eyes Ram, is every Girl's envy and your pride.
Nami and Ram: God Bless! I want you guys to be happy always! Nami, one word before I wind up, please don't hit Ram with your hands, it would hurt you. Ram, handle Nami with care! a drop of tear from her eyes, you had it.
Congrats on your upcoming engagement! Love you guys!
9 Candles:
Nami is so sweet a girl... just love her..
yeah she is devasena.happy for them.
Happy for them
Thanks AJ
thanks Viji. too much publicity.. :D
Thanks so much Viji !! This means a lot ... And now I know for sure what you feel for us ... Mmm ... errr ... I would really appreciate it if that question and answer stayed just within us :D
Thanks Devka !
Mwah to both of you ! God bless ...
hi ram :) at last... but you know i took nami's permission before I published it. infact she was the one who published it ;D if anything take it up with her... hee hee...
and thanks for your belief that viji's blog is being read widely.
:D nami... hugs!
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