Book Vs Television

Monday, January 28, 2008 0 Comments

I have the habit of scribbling a line or two on some topic calling that my Poetry. When I read that again, I desperately want to go back to a good book and read it. One should see the urgency with which I read a book it is absolutely terrifying.
From the day I decided to read, when I say "decided" I mean it. I forced myself to start reading at the beginning. But now books are the most important thing in my life. Watching a film is much easier than reading a book. I bought my son a Harry Potter book. He might have read for about 10 - 15 pages and then put the book down never to be touched later. When the same book appeared as a film, he would have watched it almost 10 times and he still never fail to watch whenever it is screened. Television brings the world in to your lap, but I feel J K Rowling, would feel happy when she see a kid reading her book rather than watching the film though she earns millions through the films . Films lack originality.
As an intense reader, I can quote lines from the books I read. A powerful writer throws words at you and make you read and remember them and a successful writer is one who exudes power through his delivery. Certain lines sit on your mind and refuses to be budged.
Charles Lamb is one such writer who through his essays, combines pathos with humour and deliver it with style. His essay "A Dissertation upon roast pig", is one of his best. You have to read it to believe and as this particular thoughts of mine is running beyond what I imagined, I need to stop it somewhere and I think I will do it now. If anyone of you check for an online copy of this essay it is a little success to me and a great respect to Lamb, but I am not sure how many would even have the patience to read this leave alone Lamb's.
Just to conclude one of my scribblings.....

A brief reprieve

Brought to the reality
By the waves
Still standing
Immersing myself
In unwanted, lousy dreams
Unaware of the current
Below my feet
Closing my eyes wanting
The waves to drag me
Yet feet firmly planted
In the sand
Not willing to follow the waves
I stumbled for a while
Blindfolded I reached
For a grasp and started to relive
The beauty of the waves
Felt its divinity
So obsessed
I felt protective towards it.
Wanting to guard and cherish
This beauty to save it
For my future generations
Wanted to teach my young ones
To kiss the trees
And hug its trunks
Love it in every sense
And nurture it as a child.
A holiday from this concrete jungle
A brief reprieve
In the wild, a small tent
A stream, some fruits
This would make me fight the obstacles.
I came out of the wild
Ready to face another couple of years
Of this crazy, fast life
Thinking of the wild,
Driving the gloom away
Reviving my soul and refreshing my thoughts.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google

0 Candles:

wisdom comes with experience

At one, I learnt crawling was fun. At forty one, I still feel crawling is fun #blamemykneesnotme